I provide high-quality translations in a range of fields including:
Academia: abstracts, conference presentations and papers, conference proceedings, essays, research papers, dissertations and theses, research proposals, book reviews, briefs, technical reports, journal articles, and call for papers.
Technical: reports, handbooks, specifications, installation manuals, data sheets.
Audiovisual: documentaries, interviews, TV shows, adverts, and social media videos.
Web content: opinion articles, event reports, blogs, reviews, social media entries, press releases, and news articles.

Are you looking for Spanish-English translations?
As a near-native in the English language, I often undertake translation projects in English. Each project is carefully tailored to meet your requirements and reviewed by native proofreaders to ensure precision and a smooth and natural flow. Get in touch now to discuss your project!​
Any written project benefits from an independent proofreading and editing process to guarantee that the message is accurately conveyed and there are no spelling or grammar errors.
Do you need another pair of eyes to review a document before submitting it? Get in touch and request a free quote.


Do you need a video or an interview translated but do not have the transcript? In addition to providing a high-quality translation, I also produce accurate transcripts of the source material. This service includes:
Allocation of time codes
​ Caption formatting and layout as requested